Soaring Society of South Africa (SSSA) promotes gliding in South Africa and trains glider pilots to have the skills required to fly gliders safely and competitively.
All glider pilots must belong to the Soaring Society of South Africa to take part in the sport of gliding. This is a legal requirement of the South African Civil Aviation Society (CAA). The Soaring Society is an affiliate of the Aeroclub of South Africa, which represents all aviation sport at the CAA.
The Soaring Society is responsible for:
- Setting and communicating standards for safe operations, as approved by the CAA)
- Maintaining a register of airworthy gliders
- Approving courses for the training of instructors
- Negotiating access to airspace
- Promoting the sport of gliding
- Liaising with international gliding organisations
The SSSA is also affiliated to the Aeroclub of South Africa which in turn represents all the sporting bodies at the CAA in a supporting role as well as the FAI (Federation Aeronautique International). The Aeroclub also interfaces with the “South African Sporting Commission” on matters such as national colours and sport development issues.
Club Operations
All SSSA gliding clubs throughout South Africa adhere to a manual of procedures developed by the CAA to provide for the safe operation of gliding.
Glider Safety
Gliders are inspected annually by persons from the society.
The SSSA instructor panel conducts training courses for candidate instructors to ensure consistent, world-class standards. Newsletters keep instructors up to date.
The SSSA negotiates to maintain and extend airspace for gliding, and spends considerable time ensuing that soaring’s freedom is preserved.
The SSSA development panel holds sessions on subjects, such as meteorology and cross-country flying techniques, to develop gliding skills and knowledge.
Manual of Procedures
The Manual of Procedure document serves to define the functions of the SSSA and the operating procedures of the SSSA as the ARO for gliding operations in South Africa.