Do I require a Calibration Certificate?
Yes, the FR calibration must be up to date, or be done after the flight and before the claim.
Yes, the FR calibration must be up to date, or be done after the flight and before the claim.
The claim must be e-mailed to the OO within 1 month from the date of the flight. We will process the claim and if all is correct send over the application to FAI to issue the diploma.
Diploma flights require an FR approved by GFAC to Levels 1 or 2.
No, the declaration in the FR must be correct in every aspect. Let your OO assist you.
You can ask your CFI to assist, your OO and of the more senior pilots who have completed longer distance flights.
FAI Diploma flights begin with a minimum distance of 750 km and increase in 250 km increments. They may use any course defined in the Sporting Code, 1.4.2d through 1.4.2h. A Diploma is awarded once only for the incremental distance immediately less than the distance flown. The pilot must be alone in the glider.