What FR approval levels are required for Badges and Diplomas?

  1. Silver or Gold claims must be recorded either by an FR approved to Levels 1, 2, or 3, or by a PR approved by the “controlling NAC” as in 2.6.
  2. Diamond claims require an FR approved by GFAC to Levels 1, 2, or 3.
  3. Diploma flights require an FR approved by GFAC to Levels 1 or 2.
By |2021-11-29T10:18:17+02:0029th November 2021||Comments Off on What FR approval levels are required for Badges and Diplomas?

What certificates must an OO submit after the flight?

OO certifies all supporting documents if added to the claim.

The Flight Certificate, when correctly submitted, is already certified online.

  1. Time sheets
  2. Calibration certificate (need not be certified)
  3. Correction certificate if declaration had error (Silver & Gold)
  4. OO Badge Certificate.

Please read the sporting code SC3 #4.4.1 and #4.4.2 for this information.

By |2021-11-29T10:17:56+02:0029th November 2021||Comments Off on What certificates must an OO submit after the flight?

May a visiting OO from another NAC act as OO in South Africa?

Visiting OOs may be appointed (prior to the flight) by the controlling NAC to act on its behalf. The OO may forward the completed claim directly to the organising NAC after the controlling NAC has reviewed the claim and confirms to the organising NAC that the flight was flown legally.

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How do I know the MOP was not used?

The OO shall consult the approval document for each device recording MoP data and certify the means used to determine that a MoP was not used during the soaring performance, and that the MOP recorder functioned correctly.

By |2021-11-29T10:16:57+02:0029th November 2021||Comments Off on How do I know the MOP was not used?

What .igc files must be submitted?

For Diamond Goal, Diamond Distance, and Diploma claims, the .igc files from every FR used shall be submitted. For Silver and Gold, only 1 FR file is required, but it must be checked that all FR declarations are identical.

By |2021-11-29T10:16:37+02:0029th November 2021||Comments Off on What .igc files must be submitted?

What FR control must be done prior to take off?

The OO shall provide control by noting the type and serial number of each FR and PR, inspecting its installation as described in its approval document. At take-off, an OO shall confirm pilot name(s) and the glider flown. If this is not possible, an OO shall seal each FR (or PR) to the glider.

By |2021-11-29T10:16:00+02:0029th November 2021||Comments Off on What FR control must be done prior to take off?

Which FRs can be used for the claim?

Regardless of the number of flight recorders and/or position recorders carried in the glider, only those selected by the pilot before take-off and inspected (i.e. controlled) by an Official Observer (OO) shall be used for flight claim evidence. For the relevant FR approval documents, please visit the FAI website for further details; https://www.fai.org/page/igc-approved-flight-recorders

By |2021-11-29T10:15:41+02:0029th November 2021||Comments Off on Which FRs can be used for the claim?
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